Performance Enhancing Means


Performance Enhancing Means 

                               How to improve your child’s performance.

Right parenting and schooling can improve your child’s –


Emotional intelligence.


Overall Performance.

We advise parents to-

  • Provide proper nutrition and healthcare.
  • Avoid authoritarian, permissive and un-involved or negligent parenting/ treatment. Not even an authoritative treatment is always effective. Follow right child handling regime. Prime requirement is that the teachers and parents should be emotionally intelligent enough- more the parents and teachers are more the child shall be. Emotional intelligence can be improved at any age and to reach quite a good level.

Remember that most of the times emotional intelligence plays even more important role than intelligence (IQ) in realizing overall success in life or enjoying it.

For any clarification/ help come to the school office

  • Follow the activities for the student to develop both fine and gross motor skills and get those executed in optimum intensity as advised.
  • Choose highly technical and tactical game for your child to play at least for five days a week and two hours a day up to late adolescent age.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Pay heed to the following important personality attributes of the child assessed in the school and ask/ report if any question/ error –

Interaction with- Teachers, Strangers, Peers and Parents.

Emotional intelligence– Empathy, Positive emotions, Control on Negative emotions, Temper, Gestures, Demeanor, Tone of voice, Stage attributes.

Confidence, Perseverance, Punctuality, Obedience, Integrity, Body intelligence.

Language skills- Speaking, Listening, reading and writing.

Linear thinking/ vertical thinking, Non-linear thinking/ lateral thinking, Innovation, Originality,

General knowledge and Wisdom.

Written below are some points, by paying heed to which parents can enhance their wards learning/ performance in academics and other fields to a great extent.

1. Emotional intelligence plays a key role in learning and realizing success in a number of fields. Fortunately it can be enhanced significantly by meting out/ following the appropriate behavior/treatment, teachings, concentration-exercises and other goal specific exercise regimes. Emotional intelligence is highly important for accomplishments in a number of the fields.

Seek further information you require from the school.

2. Majority believes an individual’s I.Q. is a fixed number he is born with and it cannot be enhanced. It is a myth. I.Q. of an individual can be enhanced up to 20 and apart from it approximately 5 per generation (in India at present), by controlling environmental factors. Important I.Q. enhancing environmental factors are-

  • Brain training/ exercises.
  • Proper behavior/ treatment and teachings received by a child from the surroundings, especially from those the child is emotionally close to, e.g. his parents/ guardian and teachers.
  • Nutrition.
  • Teaching-methodology inducing reasoning and analysis.
  • Certain video games.
  • Sports and games demanding higher order tactical and technical skills. If such games are taught by more skilled professionals better will be the results. Coaching by little skilled coaches may not yield significant results.                                                            Ask for details on any point from the school.

3. Permissive, authoritarian/ oppressive and negligent treatment delays emotional, psychological and intellectual growth of the child. Inflicting punishments makes a child emotionally unstable and prone to behavior-distortions. It also retards growth of most of the mental faculties.

4. Minimize discipline enforcement and maximize discipline cultivation for faster development of mental maturity in the child. It helps the child become more resilient, composed, disciplined and focused over the same period of time.

5. Emotional, psychological and environmental factors play very important role in realizing success besides child’s intelligence.

Discipline your child wisely

Follow the most advanced child handling regime.

Dictating a child what to do and what not to without rational, brief, comprehensible explanation and awarding punishments or imposing sanctions on instruction/ norm violations is traditional disciplining practice.

Discipline is to be enforced only when a child may endanger his/ other’s life or may cause some irreparable or severe harm/ loss to himself/ others and that too not without cultivation.

Teaching a child what to do and what not to with motivational instructions &rational, brief, comprehensible explanation without fear of punishments is discipline-Cultivation. The child may be rewarded but should not be punished.

Discipline cultivation is more effective disciplining method. It makes child get mental maturity faster. A child becomes rational & self- dependent quicker.

I have observed that children brought up with Discipline-Cultivation with optimum discipline enforcement became better decision-makers, more self-reliant, resilient, confident and successful in their life as compared to those who learnt discipline through enforcement only.

Instincts and emotions guide most of the activities in childhood. Reasoning develops later.  Reasoning is more recent in human evolutionary history. Obviously that may not be expected to be as developed.

Keeping this in view, a child is to be taught a behavior repeatedly keeping patience. Remember patience is very important in behavior teachings. As no two individuals are alike, the teaching frequency varies from individual to individual.

Most of the children start behaving reasonably well by the age of 7 or 8 years, if treated wisely.

The child must not be discriminated. Usual reasons of discrimination are:- gender (a male child may get treatment / demands fulfilled better than a female child or vice-versa.)child’s intellect, behavior, appearance, co-incidences and other myths.

Never compare a child with another one negatively. Every individual is unique. Differences must not lead you to discrimination.

For further information and quarries contact our office.